“CUFA Global will kick off IFC20.”

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The Central Única das Favelas, the National Anti-Racism Front, and the Favelas Parliamentary Front are launching the International Favelas Conferences (CIF20) on April 29th in the Penha/Alemão Complex, Rio de Janeiro, endorsed by the G20 Social and in partnership with UNESCO.

With support from the Rio State government, Rio City Hall, TV Globo, and Trace, the meetings will map and address the demands of favelas and peripheries in Brazil and 40 other countries, presenting them to the G20 summit in November.

After two years of intense coordination, the Central Única das Favelas (CUFA), in collaboration with the National Anti-Racism Front and the Parliamentary Front for the Defense of Favelas and Respect for the Citizenship of its Residents, will officially launch the First International Favelas Conference (CIF20) on Monday, April 29th, at CUFA Penha/Alemão Complex, Rio de Janeiro.

The CIF20 will be a historic milestone and part of the G20Social agenda, endorsed by UNESCO. They will mark the beginning of a series of conferences in over 3,000 favelas in Brazil, covering all 27 Brazilian states and 41 countries. These conferences, continuing until September 2024, aim to put the favela on the G20 map, bringing contributions from all regions of Brazil, the Americas, Europe, Africa, Asia, and Oceania, addressing specific social and economic issues of these territories to decision-makers as part of the G20 agenda.

“This initiative aims to enhance communication among residents of peripheries across all continents. Social movements worldwide have the chance to unite their agendas and bring to the table solutions proposed by all,” says Celso Athayde, CUFA founder.

The conference will discuss the following topics:

  1. Reducing inequalities, combating hunger, and poverty;
  2. Sustainability;
  3. Human rights, race, and gender;
  4. Global challenges faced by favelas and peripheries;

According to Letícia Gabriella from the National Anti-Racism Front, CIF20 will provide an opportunity for the 20 major powers to look at the challenges facing black populations worldwide based on their reflections. “It’s time to reverse the logic; we don’t want to be dictated to, we want to formulate the agenda and impact the agenda of blacks around the world,” she adds.

For Wellington Quaquá, a leader in the Favelas Parliamentary Front, this is a historic moment. “The favela cannot be a supporting actor; it cannot be left out of the major debates in the country. Today, the front brings together more than three hundred deputies from all parties. And if the favela is not just a lack, it is a great power, as Athayde says, and I will collaborate in parliament for this agenda to consolidate every day,” he explains.

The demands produced by the favelas and peripheries of more than 80 cities around the world that will host CIF20 in 2024 will be gathered by their organizers and taken to the International Favelas Forum, which this year will take place in September in Rio de Janeiro. This forum is not necessarily related to the G20, but this year both events take place at the same time, and it is appropriate for the agendas to be combined.

“We are very pleased to support these initiatives coinciding with Brazil’s presidency in the G20. UNESCO’s partnership with CUFA is longstanding, over 20 years, and allows us to share with the world the power of favelas, contributing to making the knowledge produced here available to all,” said Marlova Jovchelovitch Noleto, director and representative of UNESCO in Brazil.

The actions of CIF20 will be carried out and produced by local CUFAs and will feature the presence of Celso Athayde and his youngest son, Marcus Vinícius Athayde. These conferences will be divided into phases throughout the months of April, May, June, and July. The first phase will take place in the following countries: Brazil (April 29), Luxembourg (May 5), Sweden (May 8), Kazakhstan (May 9), Russia (May 11), Uzbekistan (May 12), Belgium (May 13), England (May 16), Central African Republic (May 18), Democratic Republic of Congo (May 20), and Mozambique (May 22).

See full article: https://oglobo.globo.com/rio/bairros/ana-claudia-guimaraes/post/2024/04/a-abertura-da-conferencia-internacional-das-favelas-sera-no-complexo-da-penha.ghtml

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