G20 Favelas Announces State-Level Stage of Conferences in Brazil

By: Juan Silva0 comments

On August 24, 2024, the state-level stage of the International Favela Conferences will be held in Brazil, marking a critical moment in preparation for the Global Favela Forum, which will take place in Rio de Janeiro. On this day, over 20 Brazilian states will simultaneously host their conferences, gathering local leaders, favela representatives, and strategic partners to discuss and define the key issues that will guide the national agenda.

These state-level conferences are a milestone in the process of engaging and involving favelas in crucial discussions for social development. State representatives will be tasked with compiling and highlighting emerging themes from their respective regions, derived from the various conferences already held. The goal is to create a more robust and cohesive document that accurately represents the demands and perspectives of favelas at a national level.

The democratic and participatory process that defines G20 Favelas aims to ensure that favela voices are heard and considered in the formulation of public policies and the development of strategies. During the state-level stage, community leaders and activists will have the opportunity to discuss topics ranging from local governance to the fight against hunger and the promotion of social inclusion.

The initial objective of these conferences is the Global Favela Forum, which will take place in Rio de Janeiro, where the consolidated proposals will be presented and debated. This event will be a crucial step in building a unified agenda to be brought to the G20 Social, reinforcing the presence and protagonism of favelas on the global stage.

The International Favela Conferences, organized by CUFA, the National Anti-Racism Front, the Parliamentary Front in Defense of Favelas, and other partners, continue to occupy significant spaces and strengthen the movement connecting favelas and peripheral areas in around 41 countries. The state-level stage represents a significant advance in national mobilization, paving the way for decisions that will directly impact the lives of people living in favelas.

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